It's been nearly two months since the Anusara Yoga TT ended. I have been quickly, quietly studying on my own and trying to set up a program for atheletes.
I have to say it has not been an easy process but it has definitely been worthwhile and over and over the universe has surprised me with opportunities and meetings with the right people and the right time. It was as if I literally said out loud, "I need a blue apple" and BOOM, the next day, there'd be someone with a blue apple. I don't believe in coincidences, I believe that it's all a part of knowing you're on the right path. Living out Sva Dharma. Currently, I'm teaching from home to a handful of people who are athletes and non, with and without injuries and studying their progress, emotions and injuries. It's great to have friends who are willing to suffer, sweat and stay in poses for me to align, adjust and appreciate their forms. THANK YOU!
So I am just awaiting now for that one last email to say YAY to mats and we can finally start some yoga classes for well deserving athletes, who with better alignment, will play a better game!
Life in general since training has been great and I have continued to practice 4-5 days a week in the studio and at home. It is so important to keep going back and re reading all the material I've learned. It's beginning to be sticky as I teach it to others. In three weeks time I will be heading to Singapore, a little in the red, but well worth it to take some time out of HK and a therapy training!
This past month a great leader in Canada fell ill and passed away, Jack Layton not only fought for an equal and one world, he had humour and left us with this...
My Dear Friends,
Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.
R.I.P. Jack Layton
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